News Thelma Crockett named recipient of scholarship

Thelma Crockett named recipient of scholarship

Thelma Crockett, a master of social work student, is the recipient of the 2016-2017 Mary S. Nelums (MSN) Foundation scholarship.  Nelums, said, “The foundation was established to provide financial scholarships to master-level social work students to assist them in completing their graduate degrees.” The MSN Foundation has awarded more than $14,000 in financial scholarships to nine master-level social work students.  

Nelums noted that Ms. Crockett clearly demonstrated a need for this scholarship. She said, “The foundation’s selection committee considered her grade point average, recommendations from faculty members, and plans for service after graduation. We are honored to uphold our mission. We expect Ms. Crocket will continue the spirit of “giving back.” 

Ms. Crockett is humbled to have been selected to receive the scholarship. She asserted, “I am truly honored to receive this scholarship. It has boosted my self-confidence in knowing that not only did I complete a very important task, being awarded the scholarship places me closer to achieving my dreams of becoming a social worker. It will also afford me the opportunity to reach out and help others.” 

Social work administrators express their sentiments regarding the scholarship award. Dr. Shonda Lawrence, interim chair of graduate social work programs, remarked, “Over the years, many of our most promising students would not have been able to complete their graduate degrees without the support of the Mary S. Nelums Foundation scholarship.  Ms. Crockett is a living example of perseverance.  We have no doubt that she will continue to be an asset to the field of social work. Thanks to the “Foundation”, Ms. Crockett’s projected date of completion for the Master of Social Work degree is fall 2016.”  

Dr. Ricardo Brown, dean of the College of Public Service stated, “We are pleased to have the consistent support of Dr. Mary Nelums’ Foundation in providing needed scholarships for our Social Work programs and its students. It is a special gift when others provide resources for students who need financial support to complete their educational goals.”

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